Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Every time I swear it will be the last time. Just like an addict trying to break their cycle of destruction, I too struggle to stop the chain of events I have once again set in motion. I can't be bothered once I sit down at my desk on Monday afternoon. Like a monk on a pilgrimage, or a flock of geese headed south I don't know what drives me down this path. All I know is that once again it is 5:00AM and instead of sleeping I sit at this keyboard punching out words hoping for a hint of tone similar in nature to the fine work I'm so intent on imitating.

The real problem is the success with which I have continued this never-ending cycle of delay, delay, delay, then work until ungodly hours. As far back as I can remember I have been putting off assignments or finding excuses to do them later. A particularly memorable moment came in the fifth grade when I saved a science project on the element Phosphorus until the night before it was due - a problem since it was supposed to be a quarter long project. After a B-minus and a verbal lashing from my instructor I was on my way to the next project I wasn't going to complete in an orderly amount of time.

It's not a problem of interest. I'm interested in my work now, and I genuinely enjoy it - a year of work that you hate has a way of changing your perspective. No, this week I'm going to blame it on the continued adjustment to how long it actually takes to complete my assignments. You see, I'm used to cramming for three to five exams, quickly completing a couple homework assignments and  completing a project for a grand total of about 48 hours of studying per class. I have quickly discovered that this tried and true method of working my way through classes is no longer acceptable here at The Circus. So with a heavy heart and even heavier eyelids I bid you, Good Day!

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