Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another Saturday Loss

I love sports. Football, hockey, baseball, basketball; you name it I'll watch it. My favorite, though, has to be Clemson football. Over the past six years I have missed one Clemson football game, and I checked my phone leading up until the moment I had to walk my future grandmother-in-law down the aisle. 

This year has been a rough one for Clemson football. We lost a game to Auburn where we had an early lead, but couldn't hold together at the end. Then we lost last weekend to Miami because we couldn't find a wide receiver to catch the ball. Now, in the ACC one conference loss and a respectable loss to a top ten team is a pretty decent record, but today the whole season went in to the garbage with a loss on the road to UNC.

I could complain about poor substitution, WR dropping passes, or the QB overthrowing open receivers, but to me the worst part of the whole game was the officiating. The officials had a firm control on the flow of the game, and seven times called late penalties that resulted in North Carolina keeping the football. We're not talking about your run of the mill calls, either. We're talking about obviously bad calls that gave UNC a competitive advantage.

Normally one bad game would be forgivable, but this is the same nonsense I have been watching for the past six years. Phantom holding calls, mysterious pass interference calls, and convenient late flags for certain teams are all things that I have seen way too regularly since I started following Clemson football. Last week vs Miami set me down this path when several Miami fans told me that they really appreciated the boost from the ACC officials to help them finish us off.

Tonight I took the liberty of reserving, and I'm going to start keeping a record of the terrible officiating in the ACC. I figure if some idiot with a computer can get Ron Zook run out of Florida then this idiot with a computer can get a couple referees sent in to early retirement. As soon as the site is up and running I will post a link here so you can check the progress.

Go Tigers and good night.

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