Monday, February 7, 2011


First off, welcome back to the Will Benham Experience. I apologize for the long respit, but juggling the new job, wedding planning and the rest of my life took a little adjustment. Now that I'm back on track the updates should be coming pretty regularly.

To get you up to speed I'm now waiting tables at Marlow's Tavern in East Cobb. It's been incredibly busy, but totally worth it since I have managed to stop hemorrhaging money every month. Saving money is definitely a priority since Lorelei and I have started to plan for our wedding/honeymoon. Bora Bora is currently in the lead for our honeymoon with the Greek Isles trailing by a nose. Either way it's going to be a great break before gearing up for my last quarter at Circus and getting my career in gear.

So now to talk about something besides me - the epic fail that was the superbowl commercial lineup. To be fair, I was working the first time I saw the ads, but I watched them again this morning and overall was unimpressed. There just didn't seem to be very much going on in terms of creative execution this year. Luke Sullivan's Twitter play by play did provide excellent comic relief amid the dissapointment, though.

 Pepsi Max takes home my "Worst of Show" award for their dedication to multiple ads that seem to be based off of Oww, My Balls from Idiocracy. 

You compare and tell me if I'm wrong.

I was also interested to see that they seemed to have shied away from Pepsi Max as the ultimate man cola and seem to just be positioning it as a Coke 0 competitor.

Now for the ads that were good.

First off, I'm going to go with Chrysler's "Imported from Detroit". Of course, since I'm a copywriter I love a good long copy story, but this literally gave me goosebumps watching it. I thought it had a great message that seemed well targeted to the upper class that had to earn it. I like the position of "We're the luxury brand for the workers". Seems like a great area that wasn't being hit.

Next up is Bridgestone's "Carma". I thought this was an awesome build off of last year's campaign with the cute screaming animals into something a little less obnoxious.

Finally, my favorite VW's Darth Vader. The story and the directing in this one were awesome, and I can totally relate to both the kid running around trying to use the force, and the dad's helping him out. Heartwarming, funny and well executed.

So there you have it, my thoughts on the Superbowl ads this year. I've already picked out tomorrow's topic, and I hope you guys are looking forward to some nerd nostalgia. Later.

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